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A History of Innovation

Since inception, RTA has pioneered the use of technology in acoustical engineering for a portfolio of marquee projects.

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ENM software developed to model environmental noise in 3D

dBbox software developed to automate acoustic and vibration calculations

DB BOX.webp

dBbray software developed to model the acoustics of enclosed spaces (e.g., theatres and auditoria) in 3D

DB BOX.webp

RTA Noise Loggers released and remain widely used today

RTA Noise logger.webp
RTA noise kiosk.webp

RONDA developed in-house at RTA, a world-first acoustic trailer used to measure road noise applying two different methods concurrently

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gateWave developed in-house to allow clients to self-assess, report, and manage construction noise and vibration


gateWave capabilities expanded to facilitate modelling of operational noise and vibration

Gatewave noise and vibration.webp

gateWave capabilities expanded for airports and mining applications

RTA Noise Kiosk released, an interactive kiosk invented to help residents near proposed major projects hear what the noise environment will be like once the project is built

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RTA Noise loggers six different models released between 1990 and 2015

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