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Cost-effective noise assessment tools for site personnel to self-manage construction noise

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Three new Construction Assessment Tools to manage noise

A streamlined, cost-effective way to manage and reduce construction noise. That’s what construction site managers want, and Renzo Tonin & Associates has developed three new Construction Assessment Tools to do the job.

Using these tools, construction teams can complete their own noise evaluations for different construction scenarios, as and when they arise over the course of a project. The tools can also be used to implement appropriate noise management measures.

The tools come in three different grades, which can be selected and adapted to suit the specific requirements of each project.


Our Simple Noise Assessment Program (SNAP) is a basic 1D spreadsheet tool that calculates construction noise impact to receivers.

SNAP calculates construction noise levels at receiver locations based on standard distance and shielding attenuations. Up to five pieces of plant or equipment can be included in the assessment. Calculated noise levels can be compared against noise limits and appropriate management measures can be adopted to meet the requirements of environmental authorities and the project’s Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan.

SNAP is an excellent screening test tool. It is non-site specific, so can be easily applied to any construction situation. It works particularly well for simple construction scenarios, such as utilities work and underground services investigations where there are a limited number of plant operating, the works are in a fixed location and there are a limited number of receivers.


The Construction Assessment Tool Standard (CAT-Std) is a more site-specific 2D construction noise assessment tool. As with SNAP, it is a spreadsheet tool, however CAT-Std also takes into consideration site-specific characteristics such as ground absorption and propagation algorithms as per ISO 9613-2:1996 and sets management measures based on the extent of noise exceedances over specific noise goals at each receiver.

CAT-Std is set up to assess all receivers surrounding the project, typically based on Noise Catchment Areas (NCAs) for residential receivers. Other sensitive receivers such as places of worship, schools or childcare centres for example, are grouped in terms of their receiver type.

CAT-Std is an uncomplicated 2D tool which is very useful for managing noise impacts for work done outside standard construction hours. If required, Renzo Tonin & Associates can provide additional assistance to export the tool outputs into the project’s GIS (where one exists) for better visualisation of the assessment outcomes.

Source: Sydney Metro website


The Construction Assessment Tool Professional (CAT-Pro) is a project-specific 3D construction noise modelling tool, developed by Renzo Tonin & Associates to assist construction site engineers and environmental teams in undertaking their own predictions, evaluations and management of construction noise. The tool is user-friendly and does not need special software to run. The user interfaces with an Excel spreadsheet and the results are based on multiple runs and outputs from a Cadna-A 3D computer noise model developed specifically for each project.

The Cadna-A model covers the project site and surrounding areas, incorporating the following:

  • ground terrain / topography

  • location of noise sources and sensitive receivers

  • height of noise sources and receivers

  • separation distances between sources and receivers

  • ground type between sources and receivers

  • shielding attenuation from topographic features and the built environment (eg cuttings, hills, buildings and other structures) predefined in the noise model

  • atmospheric conditions.

The Cadna-A model can adopt the ISO 9613-2:1996 or the CONCAWE algorithms to predict noise. All noise sensitive receivers defined in the Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan (CNVMP) for the project can be incorporated into the noise model.

Renzo Tonin & Associates works collaboratively with construction teams using this tool to divide the total project area into predefined work areas. A reference noise level is used to predict noise from all predefined areas to all noise sensitive receivers, providing a database of potential noise impacts on which the CAT-Pro tool is built.

CAT-Pro is a sophisticated construction noise assessment and management tool, presented via a simple user interface. If required, additional assistance can be provided to export CAT-Pro outputs into the project’s GIS (where one exists) for better visualisation of the assessment outcomes.


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