The last decade has seen the emergence of a multitude of major infrastructure projects in Australia, including Sydney Metro, WestConnex, Western Sydney Airport, Cross River Rail, Melbourne Metro, North-East Link Project. These projects provide challenges in the assessment, mitigation and management of noise impacts due to site constraints, proximity to sensitive receivers and condensed project timelines.
The webinar for Engineers Australia was presented by speakers Mattia Tabacchi, Tracy Gowen and Adrian Morris and hosted by Peter Karantonis. The webinar looks at construction noise modelling, design and impact management on some of Australia’s largest infrastructure projects.
Noise modelling of complex construction activities needs to take into consideration the model uncertainty, input selection and sensitivity analysis, noise propagation standards and detailed review of outcomes. Design considerations include physical mitigation measures such as acoustic sheds, noise barriers, temporary noise barriers or enclosures and ventilation mitigation. Planning and management measures for short-term night-time works are also described in the webinar.

If you missed it, you could watch the webinar on EA OnDemand and collect your CPD points.