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Pioneering Acoustic Engineering: Collaboration and Innovation at the AAS Conference 2024

Sydney Staff

At Renzo Tonin & Associates, collaboration, expertise, and innovation are the driving forces behind our commitment to advancing the field of acoustic engineering. Our active participation in the Acoustics 2024 Conference on the Gold Coast exemplified these values.

We were proud to contribute four groundbreaking presentations, showcasing the strength of our team and our dedication to solving complex acoustic challenges through teamwork and innovative solutions.

Showcasing Our Collaborative Expertise

Our engineers delivered four impactful presentations, highlighting our diverse expertise:

  1. Tackling Cumulative Industrial Noise

  2. Advancing Construction Noise Predictions

  3. Evaluating the Acoustic Impact of Degraded Pavements

  4. Redefining Acoustic Isolation with PUR Isolators

In addition to these presentations, we actively engaged with conference attendees at our exhibition stand, demonstrating our latest software offerings and laboratory services.


Tackling Cumulative Industrial Noise

Senior Engineers Angus Leslie and Rodney Phillips, addressed the complexities of managing cumulative industrial noise in compliance with the NSW Noise Policy for Industry (NPfI). Their research offers practical strategies to balance industrial development with community amenity, focusing on maximizing land use efficiency.

Key Findings

  • Strategic Noise Allocation: The study explored innovative methods to divide cumulative noise quotas among industrial lots, tailored to factors such as lot size, proximity to receivers, and operational characteristics.

  • Flexible Management Approaches: For clusters with a single managing entity, Noise Management Precincts offered dynamic solutions. For independent operators, noise quota allocation ensured equitable management.

  • Customized Solutions: Emphasizing site-specific factors like concurrent operations and receiver separation, the research highlights the need for tailored noise management strategies.

This presentation opens opportunities to enhance regulatory frameworks, ensuring practical and effective implementation of the NPfI.

Advancing Construction Noise Predictions

Evaluating the Acoustic Impact of Degraded Pavements

Redefining Acoustic Isolation with PUR Isolators

Showcasing Software Innovations and Laboratory Services


Celebrating Collaboration and Innovation

The success of our four presentations at the AAS Acoustics in the Sun Conference 2024 reflects the depth of expertise within Renzo Tonin & Associates and the strength of our collaborative spirit. By uniting a diverse skill set across Australia—and globally—we continue to solve complex acoustic challenges and deliver exceptional results.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to all our team members and partners who contributed to these studies:

  • Leadership and Contributions: Arinah Rizal, Hilary Pearce, Angus Leslie, Adrian Morris, Michael Chung, Kaiyi Ding, and Rodney Phillips.

  • Testing and Analysis: Nick Peters, Renzo Pombuena, Mattia Tabacchi, William Chan, Aakash Sundar, Ima Fricker, Allan Angliss, and Ash Stevens.

  • Strategic Partnerships: Getzner and Eastern BTA for providing advanced materials and support.


Explore Our Acoustic Engineering Solutions

At Renzo Tonin & Associates, we are dedicated to delivering world-class acoustic engineering services that address complex challenges through collaboration and innovation. Contact us today to discover how our expertise can enhance your next project.



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