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WestConnex M8 up and running smoothly!

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WestConnex M8 up and running smoothly!

It is now five months since the WestConnex M8 (previously known as NewM5) began operating and all is running smoothly.

It is now five months since the WestConnex M8 (previously known as NewM5) began operating and all is running smoothly. It forms the second stage of the WestConnex Motorway network, doubling the capacity of the existing M5 East tunnels and runs for 9km from Kingsgrove to the new St Peters Interchange.


The CPB Contractors, Dragados and Samsung joint venture team successfully tendered and won the design and construct contract for WestConnex M8. Renzo Tonin & Associates assisted the joint venture every step along the way as the lead acoustic, noise and vibration consultant, providing modelling, assessment, mitigation design and monitoring services.


The construction phase included acoustic sheds at tunnel support sites to allow tunnelling to continue 24/7. Renzo Tonin successfully provided acoustic shed and boundary wall designs to mitigate against noise impacts to nearby residences.

For road traffic noise, Renzo Tonin advised on noise barriers and quiet road pavements.


“The noise walls and earth mounds at Kingsgrove were a particularly interesting part of the design. As these were existing structures that were being removed and relocated, we conducted acoustic modelling to ensure that the amenity that the community was used to would be maintained once the project was completed,” said Michael Gange, Director at Renzo Tonin & Associates.

Where noise barriers could not be used on the local roads around St Peters, the team advised on building treatments to minimise noise impacts for local residents and other community buildings such as churches and childcare centres.

Use of the M8 is fast gaining momentum, establishing itself as a key piece of transport infrastructure helping to resolve Sydney’s congestion problems and saving road users valuable travel time.

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